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About OpenMTA

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For OpenBSD

OpenMTA [OpenMTA]

OpenMTA might be released soon.

I am pleased to offer the domain name, and the use of the OpenMTA project name, as a free donation to the OpenBSD project. This would be a good name to use for Gilles Chehade's smtpd(8) project. The original OpenMTA project is something I started years ago but never finished.


- Mark Heily <>

OpenMTA is a FREE mail transfer agent.

OpenMTA is not currently developed by the OpenBSD Project. The software is freely usable and re-usable by everyone under a BSD license.

The OpenBSD project sells CDs, T-Shirts and Posters. Sales of these items help to fund development.

Copyright © 2008 Mark Heily
Copyright © 2004-2006 OpenBSD
$OpenBSD: index.html,v 1.19 2008/02/22 10:09:27 tobias Exp $